
Monthly Archives: May 2015

Black and blue design...28" Diameter

Black and blue design…28″ Diameter


Here is a link to my ebay listing for this rug.

This rug is 28″ in Diameter, and made from blue jeans. I love to upcycle crafts from common items and nature’s bounty. Proceeds from my craft sales are going into a fund to purchase a Campervan, so I can enjoy some travel, in my retirement. Thanks for your support!

I haven’t done  a blog posting in quite some time…close to two years….wow time flys!

I’m still ‘off road….vanless’ , but I hold hopes of owning another at some future point in time, as the WANDERLUST SPIRIT still tugs at my heartstrings. I guess that’s what Peeps like me get for growing up as teens during WOODSTOCK, and all that baby boomer/free love/hippie period of time. …LOL.

I’m now safely situated for almost a year now, in a cute senior efficiency apt, with a gorgeous view of a park with fountain, and the Indian River , in the beach town of Melbourne, Fl. Living on blessed SS. now, I get by ok, but not much for extras….like a Van/Rv or travel. I promised my family I’d play it safe, and stick with the apt, so if I want to satisfy my wanderlust, it may have to be done a tad bit more creatively. 


A] Every so often, rent a car or even a U Haul van for a couple days, and just go to those special events, I’ve been missing. If camping is allowed at the events, it is very doable. One can’t really sleep stealth in a regular car though, so that is out. I love permaculture events and would love to go to some weekend bluegrass festivals and such. 

B] Go on a short trip with good friends that have RVs. I don’t have anything like that lined up, but I supposed it’s possible, 

C] Planes….yes ..fine for visiting relatives, but as I try to explain….That is just getting from point A to point B….not the enjoyment of the trip.


Even though I am Very camera shy….I am going to try to start making some utube vids of my various interest topics……weight loss/ crafting/ travel/ van-RV ing/ simple living/ frugal living/ DIY projects/ gardening/ etc. I guess after you get 1000 subscribers, you can monetize your vids and eventually actually earn a small amount for your film making efforts. Not a get rich quick scheme, but I have the time and it might be fun…so why not give it a try. At the minimum, maybe I can share some DIY’s and pass on crafting to the younger generation. 

My utube channel name is     ontheroadwith Joy          I hope you’ll enjoy it enough to subscribe! Thanks Joy

In the mearntime…here are a few pics of my kewl lil Granny Pad

